Our Family

I am Megan Hammon and I am here to share my passion of the Golden Retriever with you.
I am the founder and owner of
Legacy Champion Golden's
also know on social media sites as #LCG. I absolutely love every aspect of my job.
My love for the Golden Retriever started
when I was a young child.
My Grandfather had a golden that started my love for the breed.
My 5th grade year I saved up enough money to go to a breeder to buy my own golden.
My childhood golden passed away when I was in my early 20's.
I was reintroduced to the golden retriever and reminded of my love for them through my daughter Hailey's medical problems.
The Golden Retriever Therapy dogs would often visit her in the hospital at Seattle Children's.
In 2012 I purchased Hunter for Hailey and we successfully trained him
to a be a Therapy dog.
He currently holds a Therapy Dog International Title.
Over the last several years I have noticed a significant decline in the Golden Retriever.
Many of them have hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cardiac, eye and many skin problems.
One of my many goals in life is to bring the Golden Retriever back, that we all know and love.
I have spent the last 6 years of my life studying the breed.
The best way as a breeder for me to produce the best possible dogs is to not be kennel blind.
I am good friends with a network of other breeders that have the same passion.
I am Gary Hammon I share my wife’s passion for raising Golden Retrievers.
My first golden was our dog Hunter,
and I would never go with anything else for our family other than a golden.
I am retired, and a disabled veteran.
I have 20 years in law enforcement working as a reserve officer for a small town and working full time for the US Navy as a Security Police Officer and working for the
Department of Defense as a Police Officer.
During this time I enforced City, State, Federal and Military Laws.
I have 20 years in the fire service as a volunteer were I started as a Firefighter,
then I trained to be an EMT,
I was promoted to Fire Captain and the last 15 years I worked as a Fire Investigator for my department,
ran the County Fire Investigation Task Force and had the opportunity to be a member,
Vice President and President of Region 1 Fire Investigation Task Force which combined four counties.
Now my passion is to help when needed with the delivery of new litters, baths, checking weights,
help with feeding, vet checks, giving vaccines, socializing our

puppies with our children, preparing them to go new homes, and transporting them to their new families.
There is nothing like watching our little ones reacting with a litter of puppies.
All of our children watch each new delivery and ready to help out.
I help with the daily care, medical, training, stud service for our older dogs along with our children.
As a disabled vet and having a disabled daughter our biggest goal is to build a Service Training Center along with a real residence that people will be able to stay at and work and get familiar with their dogs by providing the best service animals and experience to our clients.