Puppy Pick up
Welcome to Legacy Champion Goldens, you are on your way to adopting your newest family member. First thing you will want to do is pick a litter to adopt from and then fill out an application.
Once your application is approved. You will need to place a reservation online under our puppy reservation link.
From there you will need to go to our home screen and sign up for litter announcements so you can get up to date information on the litters being born and updates of how they are doing.
Next you will want to request to join our private Facebook group called Legacy Champion Golden's Club. If by chance you put in a request and are not approved within 24 hours please send us a message to meganhammon23@gmail.com so we can make sure we get you into the group.

Vitamin Supplement for all ages
30 days of complimentary insurance

30 days of coverage with no obligation
Immediate coverage, waiting periods are waived
$250 deductible, no payout limits
Coverage for any new injuries or illnesses (more information about Trupanion online)
We are so happy to be able to offer this program through Trupanion to our customers. Puppies are like little toddlers and came become sick from expose contaminated soil or from expose to other dogs. They also needs constant supervision and can injure themselves very easily. They also love to explore with their mouths and may eat something they shouldn't and vet trips can be very costly. This insurance policy should offer you piece of mind. Especially since there is no pay out limit. This insurance policy has to be activated within 24 hours of pick up. The minute you pick up your puppy get on the phone with Trupanion and activate your policy. Instructions for activation are to the left on the
Register microchip through AKC Reunite
You will want to register your microchip right away so that your new golden is protected and it verifies that you are the rightful owner if your golden became lost. AKC Reunite has a phenomenal program with just a small one time fee. You can also custom order microchip ID tags for your pet. Link is below for immediate registration